Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Holiday Sparkles for Ne-Ne

The love that Logan has and always will have for his sister Ne-Ne is pretty amazing to watch. He loves to talk about her constantly and is always looking to do something for her. Someone sent him a Snow White Pez and the first thing he wanted to do was put it under the tree for Ne-Ne. At times I find myself getting sad as we both talk about her constantly. Even though she's not physically here with us she is ABSOLUTELY part of our everyday routine and conversation. The other day we drove up to her area and Logan said, "there's my baby girl". I know he often hears Shane or myself talking like that to Syd, but there was something about the way he said it that made me smile. 
Arts and crafts is one of Logans favorite things to do for Ne-Ne. The other day Logan was at daycare and was making snowflake ornaments. He told Ms. Emily that he wanted to make one for Ne-Ne's tree. He worked really hard with Emily on spelling out a word. Emily asked Logan what he wanted to spell and he said, "sparkles"..."sparkles for my 
Ne-Ne". When we got home that night Logan ran right over to her tree and placed it there. 
As the holidays quickly approach I want Logan to continue to talk about, and be reminded about his twin. Sydney was such an amazing little girl, and this holiday season I want nothing more than for her to shine on, and keep her sparkle going.

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