Monday, November 30, 2015

Elway the Elf

Elway the Elf made his debut in 2013 when the twins were just 8 months old. They obviously were too young, but we wanted to start the tradition early. Last year Syd and Logan started to get it. They would run around the house and point to Elway in several places. 
This year our tradition has changed and we now only have Logan looking for Elway. I bet Sydney would have really enjoyed looking for him this year. All we have our memories from years past. We will always keep Elway, and the tradition going. Elway is now very special because he's known for spreading sparkle too. I hope Syd doesn't give Logan any clues and lets him find it himself. Wouldn't be any fun if he knew ahead of time :) 
Here's to remembering the sparkle always, looking for Elway, and keeping the memories alive.

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