Monday, December 28, 2015

The 28th of the Month

Not only does the 19th of every month weigh heavy on my heart, but so does the 28th. I remember the day the twins were born-March 28, 2013. There was something about the 28th that had a good ring to it. I remember plugging in the 28th into my calendar so it would alert me every month. The first year I loved to see the date pop up, and then take their picture with there month on it. I would place them in their chair together, and hope that one wouldn't knock the other over. 
Almost three years later the 28th still pops up on my phone in combination with there month picture. I don't think it ever crossed my mind when I started to take pictures that I would be where I am today- one less twin, and for NO REASON! 
There's so many hard things through this grieving process that just don't make sense. I try to pretend that this never happened, and it's a bad dream, but it isn't. I'm reminded constantly of the heartache daily. It's a neverending heartache that doesn't go away. No matter what day it is I'm always haunted by the night she was taken away from us. It's not fair, nor easy at times to move forward each day.

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