Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Powering through the fear

As a parent there are days that you worry more than others about your children. To be honest it's often hard to not worry all the time, because of the unknown. 
I've made a promise to myself when Sydney passed away that I would try my hardest not to worry so much, and continue to "parent less out of fear".
Each day and each month that goes by I often find myself going through this emotional rollercoaster, and kind of contradicting what I believe. 
Worrying less is an understatement; however, I must do my best for Logan as he deserves the best from his mommy. Being a parent is by far one of the hardest jobs out there, and to be honest there's no book written out there that tells you how to handle a loss of a child. 
We do our best every day to get up, smile when it hurts, and give Logan the best that we can. Life is sure scary, and the "unknown" is a nightmare; however, I do all I can do to put one foot forward, and know we will be ok. It's my goal to spread the sparkle, share our story, and the emotions that come with it. 
Life is never going to be the same, and the pain will always be there; however, I know that there's something new in each day ahead. I'm not sure of the plan, but do know that the sparkle will always be there, and I will continue to do my best one day at a time.

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