Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sparkling along with Syds fund

There are days when I often become so overwhelmed that I feel that someone is shaking my head, and I can't seem to focused. I'm full of so many emotions daily, often tired from going on a rollercoaster of emotions.
I often can't believe how much we've got accomplished in almost 9 months. I couldn't do nearly half of it without my amazing board that makes up Sydney Craven Memorial Fund. 
One would think I would be filled with so much sparkle from the fund that has been established, but often I get overwhelmed. It's a lot to take in all the gratitude, and it's a lot to push forward after such a tradgic thing has happened. We have established this fund to keep Sydneys sparkle alive, and help others. 
There's so much going on with Sydneys fund lately that I'm overjoyed with emotions. I can't wait to work together with everyone to have Sydneys 1st tutu run and sparklefest in June. There will be a lot of hard work put forward but with the support from others, and my amazing board I know it will be a success. 
***we missed you Lindsey***

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