Saturday, September 12, 2015

A quick cry to Sparkle On

"You look sad Mrs. Craven. Do you need a hug?" Often a hug is the best thing to make my heart heal when I'm thinking of Syd. It goes in waves. Sometimes I can talk about her for hours without one tear, and then all of a sudden it just hits me and the tears come. 
Yesterday someone asked me how I was doing, and how things were going for Syds memorial fund. This particular person had not seen Sydneys website yet, so I took a few minutes to show her all the wonderful things about it. The first thing she said, "Heather she's just beautiful". As I showed her some of the pictures and walked down "memory lane" I started to cry. Why did I cry? I just missed her. I missed my beautiful baby girl, and just like that the tears flowed, and then they stopped. 
A quick cry was all I needed to release the pain inside. My heart often aches more than usual, but I am learning to deal with the pain. It comes and goes as I become stronger that's all I can do.
It's my goal to promote the sparkle, and it's my goal to help others. That I know is what Sydney would want me to do. She would want me to shed a tear, take a breath, and sparkle on. 

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