Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Day

Leap day...the day that occurs every 4 years. Can't believe where we have come within the last four years and what has happened to turn our world around. The last time there was "February 29th" I believe we were trying to start a family. We knew we wanted to be parents, but never knew the highs and lows that would occur. Fast forward four years later, and wow are things much different. We still have a family, but we are one less. It's hard to think how much can change in a certain amount of time. The last few days have taught me so much. On this leap day I'm so thankful for the amazing family and friends I have, and for being able to do what I do best- spread the sparkle. Logan's doing better, and we can't wait till all the sickies go away. A nasty virus is never fun. It's time for some nice weather, to open the windows, and focus on all the amazing things ahead. Here comes March where I'll need all the strength I can get. I'm ready, and know everyone is behind us. See you in four years leap year. Can't wait to see what happens then.

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