Friday, February 12, 2016

Preschool screening without Ne-Ne

Yesterday we had Logan's preschool screening. First off, I can't believe my baby boy will be three next month, and start preschool in September, and second, I can't believe Sydney wasn't with him today to do her screening. I was filled with so many mixed emotions. Yes...I almost cried walking him up the stairs, and it wasn't even the first day of school. I'll probably need a giant box of tissues for that day. I almost got teary eyed waiting when Logan was in there, because he wasn't with Sydney. I know some other twins that will be starting too in September, and thought how my life is so much different now. Logan now lives the life of a "singleton". I almost wanted to mention that he "used" to have a twin, but found myself waiting until we start school next year. I don't want Logan talking about his "Ne-Ne" in the sky, and them having no idea who he's talking about. 
We are so proud of Logan and the little boy he's becoming. He's come such a long way in the last year. I know 3 will be a great year for Logan. He's such a sweet, smart, and funny little boy that lights up everyone's heart!

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