Saturday, February 6, 2016

Retelling her story

It's really hard to see people that we haven't seen since Sydney has passed away. I mostly connect with everyone through Facebook, but it's different when you see someone who you haven't seen since the tragedy. I found myself retelling the story, which gets a little easier, but still stings over time yesterday. 
She was gone by the time we got to her, and didn't suffer. I talk so freely about it, because I believe Syd has a higher purpose in this world. She's a little
angel that was taken way too soon. We were just the ones that were chosen too be strong enough to keep her sparkle alive. Syd was taken away from us, and it never gets easier; however the more I retell her story, the more I become stronger. Is it fair? "NO"!!! There's nothing we can do to bring her physically back, but to always remember her each day. 

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