Sunday, June 19, 2016

Sydney's 1st Tutu Run and SparkleFest

I'm not sure where to begin. Yesterday was all I could have imagined for my baby girl. The list is just to long to thank everyone individually, but just wanted to personally send my graditude to all that made yesterday a successful first event. I remember standing at the gazebo before my speech yesterday, and just looking out at the sea of pink that filled the East Bridgewater common. One word came to my mind, "perfect." That's all I wanted was for people to come out in there pink, tutus, and sparkle for Sydney. I feel like the emotions haven't hit me yet. I'm still on a high with emotions. It's almost comparable to your wedding day when you just plan for months, and then the day hits and you go through the motions, and then need to reflect a day or two after of what really happened. 
With the grieving process it comes with highs and lows. Yesterday was definitely a high, because I got my strength from all my sparklers and Sydney. I couldn't be where I am today without my amazing family, friends, and supporters near and far. One year down many more to go. Sydney would want this to go on for a long time. I'm ready to reflect on yesterday, and move towards future events. The sun was shining yesterday, and I know Sydney was there watching everyone sparkle for her. 

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