Thursday, July 2, 2015

The words that help me get by

Since Sydney has passed away I find myself meeting new people everyday, and receiving countless amounts of support from people I know, and people that I don't. The amount of support that we have received is overwhelming to say the least, but also its what I need to make it by each day. People often ask how am I so "strong" and how can I get up everyday to "spread the sparkle", while also continuing to be a mommy to Logan, wife to Shane, and a friend to others. The answer is that I just have too! What gets me by everyday is the amount of love, and support I receive from people I know, and people that I've never met. I believe people often see a "Sydney Sign", think of her, and then somehow that magical vibe travels through the sky to my heart. Some people might find that silly, but it's the positive energy that keeps me going.
I often receive countless messages from people that want to reach out to me, and tell me what a difference I've made for them as a mom, how I've "inspired" them each day, or how my blog has helped them or someone else they know. These words often bring me to tears. 
I received a message the other day that brought me to tears; actually most of the messages, cards, and letters do too, but I just wanted to share a few words that really touched me deeply.
"I think of your Sydney when I see pink bows or sparkly clothes when I'm shopping.  I think of her when I put my little girl's hair in pigtails.  I think of your Sydney more times a day than I could count.  You have created the MOST amazing legacy for her Heather, as you have put her in all of our hearts. Like so many who never had the joy of knowing her, I feel that I have her in my heart now. And she has changed the way I live. I see the beauty in all that sparkles so much more than ever before, and I am more mindful of creating memories.  Your little girl has done that for me, and for more people than I can possibly imagine."
It's these words that make me get by. It's these words that make me so happy to be Sydneys mommy, and continue to spread that sparkle. I know everyday can't be perfect, and I will have highs and lows; however, words like this "inspire" me to keep on going. One thing that is true is that Sydney would want me to never give up, she wants me to continue to spread her sparkle, and help others in the many ways that I can.
Thank you again to everyone who supports us everyday, who reads her website, who likes her page on Facebook, and who continues see that sparkle everywhere they go. Sparkle on baby girl...sparkle on!!!!

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