Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A Blog that Sparkles

My morning routine is pretty much the same everyday: wake up around 6:30am, blog, and then have a cup of coffee. Blogging is the first thing I do in the morning, because it's fresh on my mind, and it feels good to let my emotions out. Yesterday I actually "overslept" till 7:00am and almost fell out of bed when I realized what time it was. I frantically started to type away, and was laughing out loud that some people would wonder where that "blog" was since it's usually up around a certain time everyday. People tell me it's there "morning routine" to read  it. 
I had a dentist appointment yesterday morning and the first thing my hygienist had said to me was, "where was your blog this am I read it everyday and it wasn't there". I laughed and said, "I know I over slept". My blog is something that is so important to me, and has really taken off more than I expected. The amount of people that have reached out to me, have privately read, and shared is amazing. As of yesterday my blog has been viewed over 62,000 times since I started it two weeks after Sydney has passed away. 
Today marks my 110th post and as I continue to share this journey my hope is that I will inspire other people, and will help others in a time of need. Going through this emotional rollercoaster is something that I never wanted to sign up for. I've tried so hard to be as strong as I can for Logan, Shane, and others in my life; knowing I'll have my ups and downs. The words "strong mama" and "strongest woman I know" have all been said to me, which is beyond words to express my gratitude. 
There's not a day, or second that goes by that I don't think of Sydney; she's constantly on my mind. As her legacy continues to grow I want that sparkle to shine. I want everyone to know about her, the stories that I share about the "twin bond", and the memories that were made. 
Thank you for those that have supported my writing, and shared with others. I will continue to write as long as I can. I said from the beginning that I might not be able to write everyday; however, I've never missed a day since. I can't promise that I won't "sleep late again" as I got a pretty busy rest of the summer, but know I will do my best to write within the morning time frame :)
To a friend that reached out to me the other day and said, you need to share this blog more with others...here you go! This blog is part of Sydneys legacy, this blog is to inspire, and this blog is to help me as I take one day at a time!

Sending lots of sparkles your way 

Sparkle on 

Sydneys Mommy


  1. This blog is such a beautiful tribute to your daughter... You are such an amazing mother. By the way...your blog reminds me of one I have followed for a while...babyboybakery.com. I think you could help each other.
    Hope to see you "sparkling" in Spinning class soon ;) ...And Happy Birthday!

  2. Your amazing and you crack me up!! The fact that you wake up each day and jump out of bed to share your sweet Sydney and your heart with us is truly amazing. Thanks for letting us share this journey with you and keep Sydney's memories alive! You have touched so many! Always in my heart! xo
