Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Another tough day

Yesterday was just a tough day overall!! My heart hurt which triggered my mind to hurt, and I just couldn't get out of my funk! Everytime I looked at Logan my heart sank, and everytime I thought about Sydney the pain just hurt all over. People say to me that it's ok to have a bad days; however, I wish I didn't have to feel like this at all. 
As Logan played on his swing set and we spent some quality time together in the afternoon I just became sad. I was sad Sydney wasn't with us, and sad he didn't have his twin anymore. Life is going to have so many difficult days for us, and it's definitely tough. I have to remember that it's only been 7.5 months since she's been gone. That's not a long time, and I miss her more and more each day. 

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