Sunday, May 24, 2015

Enjoying the little moments

Memorial Day Weekend- A time for friends and family to get together enjoy the sun, good food, nice weather, and the official start of summer. Last year Memorial Day weekend was filled with just that as that as I watched Sydney and Logan enjoy the time we had with friends and family and the twinbond they had with each other.
Fast forward to one year later! I'll be honest and say I would never ever thought I'd be spending this Memorial Day without my babygirl. It stings like no other to know that a year ago our hearts were doubly filled with love as we enjoyed good friends and time together. 
This year I will try to do just that. Yesterday we had a nice day filled with friends and family. I did everything I could to enjoy the time that we had together yesterday, laugh with Logan, and smile when I thought about Sydney. Boy do I miss her and wouldn't I do anything to have her piggy tails back again like she had last year. Although it was a hard day I made sure to enjoy the moments with Logan. He had a blast. It's the little moments as he belly laughed so much running around the yard( Syd and Logan had identical laughs that are contagious) that made the day better. Yesterday, today, and days moving forward I've learned to enjoy the little moments; they are far and few in between. Don't forget to take that picture, and enjoy your time together with family, friends that are family, and others that make you happy. Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone! This year new memories will be made. 

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